Analisis Peran Pembimbing Kemasyarakatan dalam pelaksanaan Diversi Klien Anak di Bapas Kelas II Pekanbaru
Analysis of the role of Community Mentoring In the Implementation of Child Client Diversion at Bapas Class II Pekanbaru
This research examines the topic of the Role of Community Counselors in the Implementation of Diversion for Children in Conflict with the Law. The duties and functions of Correctional Centers as described in Law Number 12 of 1995 concerning Corrections, as well as the role of Correctional Centers have been emphasized since the enactment of Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice System (SPPA). The duties and functions of community counselors at Correctional Centers (BAPAS) include compiling community research (LITMAS), accompanying both adult clients, guiding clients and supervising their clients. Community counselors at Correctional Centers are very important in diversion where social counselors must try to settle criminal cases outside the court for the benefit of the child through diversion efforts. The results of this study provide an overview of the role of social counselors where the motivational interview technique approach conducted by social counselors has provided progress on the success of child diversion by embodying four principles which include expressing empathy, developing discrepancy, developing acceptance of resistance and implementing self-efficacy support. can be a driving force in the success of child diversion.
Keywords: Role, Community Counselors, Diversion,Children Client