Pemanfaatan Limbah Sampah Untuk Pembuatan Ekoenzim Di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas I Medan
Utilization of Waste to Make Ecoenzymes in Correctional Institutions Class I Medan
At the Tanjung Gusta Medan Class I Prison, North Sumatra, waste sorting has begun, but it has not run optimally. This is evidenced by the provision of trash bins for sorting, but they are still minimal because they have only touched a few places. . According to our observations during the Real Work Lecture at the Tanjung Gusta Class I Correctional Institution, it is necessary to improve cleanliness by disposing of garbage in the places provided according to its type and this must be accompanied by socialization not only for inmates but also for visitors who came to Tanjung Gusta Class I Prison every day so that the waste would not only become waste but could be reused and useful for daily life. In carrying out this community service activity, our target is to train new experiences in processing waste to become an ecoenzyme liquid that can be used for daily needs. The method used in this study is qualitative with the PAR (Participatory Action Research) method, namely problem- based service found and then providing alternative ecobricks. The results of this study indicate that waste is a serious problem and becomes even more serious when the waste is jumbled up. The form of community service related to the importance of waste segregation. In this case, our target is prison inmates (WBP). We hope that by providing socialization to the inmates regarding the processing of kitchen waste into ecoenzyme liquids, a new skill will emerge for the inmates, especially the inmates at the Tanjung Gusta Class I Penitentiary.